Today, I've been asking myself a lot--"Abstinence. Do you want it?" The answer is always, "Yes." I want the freedom that comes with it.
Today I've also seen the consequences of not planning ahead. I'm going to need to stay on top of the planning.
No protein for breakfast.
No easy lunch.
Planned supper isn't going to work (missing ingredients).
I seriously contemplated just ordering a burger and fries for lunch. In the afternoon, I looked at the cereal in the cupboard. I really wanted milk in my coffee.
I chose abstinence today and it felt miserable. Right now I feel good because I know that I did what I could and I had a good supper.
1 cup of oatmeal with milk
Milk in coffee (total of 1/2 cup between coffee and oatmeal)
chicken and egg white (equals 4 oz)
Hope I had fruit, can't remember now
forgot 1/2 cup of yogurt
1 baked potato
4 oz meat
1 cup salad
(didn't know I could have 1 cup of veggies or 2 cups of salad)
4 oz hamburger with basil
1 cup rice
1 cup salad
1 cup zucchini with onion
I am thawing out a chicken for lunch and supper. I'll have soup tomorrow night so I'm set!
Looking forward to my snack.........
C says that I have to make my own plan for next week. I'm ready! I appreciate the help in figuring out the food plan.
Letter to My Mother on Mother's Day
7 years ago
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